TM SOPMOD M4 NGRS Sealing Nozzle NEO
07 Aug 2019

Laylax announced that they will be releasing the Promethus Sealing Nozzle Neo for the Tokyo Marui SOPMOD M4 NGRS this month... "It is a nozzle made for the next generation M4 series made by Tokyo Marui. The nozzle performs the violent reciprocation same as the piston and is an important part responsible for feeding and firing. Therefore, the material uses POM with excellent mechanical properties including dimensional stability and wear resistance.
The built-in O-ring improves air tightness, and the inlet at the nozzle tip reduces the operating load.
Supported models: (Tokyo Marui next-generation electric guns)
- M4A1 Carbine
- Mk18 Mod 1
- Recce rifle
- HK416D
- DEVGRU custom HK416D
- HK416 Delta custom
- HK416C custom
- HK417 Early variant