
More Photos Of The Unlicensed Vector AEG


We are receiving more information on the new unlicensed KRISS Vector AEG. According to Khang Võ, who sent to us these photos of the AEG taken with a mobile phone camera, it is now available in Thailand for THB6,500.00 or roughly US$190.00 which is more affordable indeed. There is no indication in the packaging the manufacturer though he mentioned that retailers in Thailand have indicated an airsoft manufacturer based in Hong Kong.

Khang Võ mentions that the hop-up adjustment can be accessed via the screw above the outer barrel at the front end of the AEG and that the charging handle is a dummy. He was not able to test fire but confirms the option for a 2-round burst. There are long and short magazines available for this AEG.

There are speculations about the airsoft manufacturer behind this as discussed by the airsoft community on Reddit.

In our correspondence with Tim Seargeant of KRISS/Krytac, he said that the statement they issued last year in reaction to the revelation of the unauthorised A&K KRISS Vector the AEG that "KRISS USA will use all available means to protect worldwide patents and trademarks" still stands.

You can read official statement here.

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