
2007 Online Airsoft Retailer Satisfaction Survey Initial Report


The 2007 Online Retailer Satisfaction Survey was conducted last 2nd week of September to the 1st week of October 2007, tapping the global airsoft community on what they think of their online retailers, and find out their issues and problems, and also for online airsoft retailers to know how to improve their services.

We're Baaaaaaack!!!


Here we go again.... Welcome to Popular Airsoft (Again)! It's been more than a week since the site went down due to some snafu that happened to our site, which we can now tell that the problem was not really the way we run our website, or how we maintain our own dedicated server.

Advisory: Regular Publishing Resumes on 17 October 2007


This is our final update on migrating our site to our new hosting provider. We all thank you for your patience waiting for us. Just a little bit over 24 hours of waiting more and we'll be back posting all the latest news and features that you want to read.

RedWolf Airsoft Review: Real Sword Type 56


Due to the political circumstances and events after the second world war, the Soviet Union and People's Republic of China were friendly neighbours to each other. A lot of technological advancements from the former were adopted in China, most notably (from the viewpoint of this article), the Kalashnikov AK-47. 

Readings On Urban Combat


Sitting down over pints of beer with MadDog after an airsoft CQB skirmish game, he explained to me why he wants to go into more CQB and Urban Assault skirmishes rather than woodland.

Snap Survey on British Airsofters' Preparedness On The VCR Act


Today is 1 October 2007, the day on which the Violent Crime Reduction Act Provisions on Real Imitation Firearms (RIFs which also include airsoft guns) take effect.

Stones vs. Bullets: A No Joke Skirmish

Gungho Cowboy

Editor's Note: After carefully evaluating if this article needs to be published here since it is not about airsoft per se, we deemed that we can allow this as we are also for freedom of expression, and freedom of the press.

My 10 Best War Movies of All Time

Gungho Cowboy

Something for you to start with, a movie collection, apart from making your own airsoft weaponry collection. I am a movie buff, which I am sure, most of you are. I made my list of the best war movies, which of course you are free to make your own article on your own preferred war movies.

Fixing Your A&K 5000-Round Box Magazine


For all of those who have ordered the AnK 5000 Rounds Box Magazine for M4/M16 replicas with electric winding and had problems with it, worry no more. That is, if you want to fix the problem of your connector falling off inside the box mag, rendering your remote switch pad useless.

Richard Marcinko: Rogue Warrior


Now, here we go again for our recommended book for all of you airsofters out there. This book is actually first released in 1993, but has generated controversy among military and political circles, and has catapulted the author, Richard Marcinko to fame.

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