Grab ICS Swag At AirsoftCon 2018
17 Oct 2018
If you are going to's AirsoftCon 2018, you might want to visit the ICS Airsoft booth there as you can grab some swag from them. Just follow their instructions... "Come visit the ICS Airsoft booth at AIRSOFTCON! See the hottest NEW products and get lots of FREE goodies at ICS booth right next to our friends at Team ASG.
Are you planning to get a new BLE pistol?
Now it’s your chance to own and get extra SWAG!
Step1️: Buy an ICS BLE pistol from at Airsoftcon2018.
Step2️: Show your receipt at ICS booth.
Step3️: Take your pick between an ICS Swag bag or limited edition ICS glasses!
Swag quantity is limited- first come first serve! Meet ICS at AirsoftCon2018!
Bring your ICS gear and show us at AIRSOFTCON! FREE CXP & USA patches only for ICS lovers. Swag quantity is limited- first come first serve!"