
BBA Olive Shadow Mesh Face Shield


A more affordable mesh mask made by a company based in Hong Kong called Black Bear Airsoft. This is available at Airsoft World for £19.95... "After wasting a lot of time and effort trying to obtain the 'Brass Guard' original versions of these masks from Russia, we managed to obtain steel versions from China which have been modified and improved with the added bonus of being less than half the price of the Russian ones.

We were supposed to get these about two months ago but the manufacturers were so intent on making these perfect in both quality and function, that they kept tweaking the design before finally releasing them to us.

Black Bear Airsoft in HK are the 're-designers' of these masks and they have spent a LOT of time perfecting the shape, fitting extra straps and changing the materials until they were completely happy with resulting comfort and fit.

Made from carbon steel which is both flexible and strong, these protective face shields will withstand the highest velocity airsoft sniper rifles at point-blank range. Even the Osmonds and Bee-Gees would feel safe in these!

Fully adjustable double head-straps ensure a comfortable and safe fit without slipping or lifting from your face."

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