Airsoft Sharks On The ASG CZ Shadow 2
15 May 2023

Airsoft Sharks tells what he does not like about the ASG CZ Shadow 2 Gas Blowback Pistol in this video... "Watch out! Do you spend a lot of time on reviewing and making decision on which next camera/gadget or an Airsoft pistol your should buy next?
If you are like me, you probably spend hours on that before you made a purchase, only to realize here are some small things that bothers you, that no-one mentioned. (Of course not anyone has the same likings or consider the same thing as an issue/flaw)
However I recently got my new ASG CZ Shadow 2, Airsoft pistol, which is presented as one of the best Airsoft pistols, but once I had it for a couple of hours I started noticing small flaws that no one mentioned in his reviews.
Here I am sharing my top 6 issues I have so far with the cz shadow 2 CO2 pistol.
Check my channel for more CZ shadow 2 content and how does it looks, feel and perform."