
Task & Purpose: The XM-8 Rifle


Task & Purpose: The XM-8 Rifle

Task & Purpose talks about how the U.S. Army almost switch the the XM-8 rifle as a replacement of the M4... "This is the legendary XM8 rifle. It fires 556 at a rate of 750 rounds per minute. In the early 2000’s the XM8 was actually on the verge of replacing the aging M4 series as the US army’s primary infantry rifle. What followed was a story filled with drama, intrigue and accusations that it wasted $33 million dollars worth of taxpayers dollars. I think the XM8 is a great example of what happens when science, bureaucracy and soldiers' needs all collide in the worst possible way. But if it was never adopted why is it still an iconic weapon why is it still a household name? You’re about to hear the story of one of the most ambitious firearms programs and how its failure helped pave the way for the next generation weapons of today."

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