
KRISS, Sphinx SDP Compact & a New License


The Tominator puts together all the bits of information learned from KWA during the SHOT Show 2013 into what you can expect from the company this year... "Ah yes. It seems like KWA always has an Ace up their sleeve. Last week, for those of you that didn't know, was one of my favorite events of the year: Shot Show 2013. It went down, as usual, in Las Vegas, Nevada, and while I was there, I stopped by the KWA booth to see what was new and exciting for 2013. Sure, they had some cool things at their booth. I came. I documented these things. I left, thinking I obtained all the info there was to know. Well, sure as I am bald, they threw a curve ball in the mix on Friday, the final day of the show. They made more announcements previously undisclosed to the general public or even whispered in the dark corridors behind the scenes.

For starters, one of their more exciting pistols to be released (maybe) this year, is a licensed replica of the Sphinx SDP (Special Duty Pistol) Compact.  If you've ever had the luxury of shooting a Sphinx firearm, you'd know just how wonderful these handguns are.  They're comfortable, accurate and easy to handle.  I would imagine the KWA airsoft version will cover all those bases for a home run as well."

Read the rest at the Pyramyd Airsoft Blog.

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