ASG CZ Shadow 2 Hop-Up Bucking Change
24 Sep 2023

Airsoft Sharks got another tutorial video showing you how to change the hop-up bucking of the ASG CZ Shadow 2 GBB pistol... "ASG CZ shadow 2 is considered on of the best Airsoft pistols, and I do fully Agree with that. Being my primary CO2 airsoft pistol for a half an year already, I finally found a bucking for it - Modify Predator ssg24, thus I decide to upgrade it. Meanwhile found some issues, but will leave that as a surprise in the video.
If you found a need for it, or if you are just wondering is it possible, or how it is done, here I am sharing how I did it.
There is also a bonus, I am also sharing my biggest struggle with that ASG Airsoft GBB pistol, with the hope I can help someone having similar symptoms.
General tools you will need to do the change: Allen key, screwdriver and a punch tool.
Check the video for all the details I have prepared for you."