
Airsoft GI BB Wars Operation Dragon's Nest


Airsoft GI are resuming the BB Wars with Operation Dragon's Nest in Texas this May... "The Empire’s latest crushing victories have forced the rebels to return to their guerilla roots. After burning through the vast resources at grid Delta-14, the Imperial Army has moved on to greener pastures. In its wake, the remaining rebel forces have turned the former township into a smuggler’s market of thieves and vagabonds, some of whom are only loyal for a price, and not the cause. Amongst these myriad fighting groups, one man has claimed the seat of power in Delta-14, the rebel operative known as 'BIGHAT'.

Thought to have been killed in a previous engagement, BIGHAT contains within his brain a cornucopia of information necessary to crushing the rebels once and for all, as he was once responsible for commanding all of the troops in the region. The Imperial forces have launched a covert assault on Delta-14 to capture BIGHAT and extract him to a interrogation facility.

The operation is expected to go off without a hitch, however, should this turn into an all-out street fight, expect a priority to be placed on capturing and holding strategic positions, extracting other key intelligence, and responding to any additional FRAGOS presented by command during the course of this operation."

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