0'20 Magazine Issue No. 49
10 Aug 2023

The free to read airsoft magazine, 0'20 Magazine, got its latest issue now available for your reading pleasure... "How are you doing folks? Here in 0’20 Magazine are glad to share with you (and the airsoft community) the release of the issue #49 of our magazine. As always, FREE! You’ve heard correctly, both printed (distributed through hundreds of airsoft stores in more than 10 countries) and online magazine on click away.
The online magazine can be read in your PC, laptop, iPad, smartphone. It’s loaded with videos, photo galleries… tons of extra content that makes the magazine more interactive. And if you have available the printed magazine in your nearest airsoft store, you will find out that it’s not a simple paper magazine. High quality design and bookbinding, appreciated by most collectors.
A reality already available FOR FREE in:
- Hard copies: go to your usual shop and ask for it!
- Mobile version: interactive, with videos, photo galleries, gifs and lots of extra information.
- Computer version: to enjoy your airsoft reading time calmly at home"