
The "Most Epic Nerf War in History" Goes Viral


We've watched all those epic gun fights on YouTube from the likes of Freddie Wong and Beat Down Boogie. All of these were done with airsoft guns as they are safer to use and with software video effects, one could readily add muzzle flash, shell ejection, gun smoke, plus all those exploding heads and bodies for any action packed YouTube short film. Airsoft has been such a boon to film makers, professional and amateurs alike all over the world.

Unless one is in Australia where they have one of the strictest gun regulations in the world.

For professional film makers gun props can be arranged within their industry at a cost. But for amateurs, that presents a dilemma given that they have no access to gun props given their budgets. They also have no access to airsoft guns since airsoft is prohibited in Australia. That job falls unto the Australian Airsoft Council (AAC) who are doing their darned best to have airsoft legalized in the Land Down Under.

But rather than stop them, some Australian YouTube channels resort to being creative. An example is the RackaRacka YouTube Channel which is maintained by directors and twin brothers, Danny & Michael Philippou. Not having access to airsoft and real gun props didn’t stop them to create an epic gun fight that has gone viral on YouTube as they went for the next best thing and nope, it's not Paintball --- Nerf Guns.

The result is the "Most Epic Nerf War In History" which will remain epic until the "Mostest Epic Nerf War In History" gets produced. According to New York Daily News, the brothers got obsessed with Nerf Battles at the end of high school which they do mainly at home. Which of course led to this viral YouTube video of friends horsing around with Nerf guns until it went out of control and became an epic Nerf War.

The good thing about Nerf Guns is that they're safe to use even with projectiles inside the house as compared to airsoft guns for such video production where they need to be unloaded and rely of software-rendered effects to product the gunfire and gun sound.

The Philippou brothers are talented and we wonder what they would do if they get access to airsoft guns when it becomes legal in Australia which we hope to be not in the too distant future. But for now they have to settle with Nerf Guns so let's watch the Most Epic Nerf War in History:

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