
XM-25 Smart Rifle Up for Field Tests

Gungho Cowboy

The "Judge Dredd" XM-25 smart rifle will be undergoing field tests this summer before it gets certified for deployment to Iraq and Afghanistan. This is a computerised smart rifle that aims to take out snipers and other entrenched or well-hidden troops without resorting to calling for an air strike which will expend thousands of dollars worth precision missiles. Thus, you get precision hits without the costs and minimise potential collateral damages that missiles can cause in the field, especially in built-up areas where civilians get caught.

Looks like a pug, for others, it may be one of the ugliest looking rifles nowadays, though it might taking getting used to. Though we are not experts on this, this may is what we can say a bullpup launcher able and we are not sure what type of munition this one's going to use. But just imagine of an airsoft replica is made with together with its computerised targetting. Would be great for clearing rooms from the outside, but then it would be an expensive toy with its precision munition.

Regular Reg readers will already be familiar with the XM-25 and its unique ability to strike at enemy gunmen or snipers who are protected by roof edges, corners, rock outcrops, trenches etc. This is accomplished by using a laser rangefinder to precisely measure the distance to the enemy's protection (for instance a low wall). The XM-25 smartgunner then selects how much nearer or further from that location he thinks the target is - for an enemy behind a normal wall, the soldier would choose +1 metre. If the soldier had lased the back of a room or cave through an opening, he might choose -1 or -2 metres.

Then the XM-25's computer calculates the exact angle the weapon's barrel should be elevated to in order to lob a 25mm explosive mini-shell through the selected point in space, and generates a new pipper in the gunsight accordingly. The soldier moves the pip onto his or her original point of aim, so adjusting the gunbarrel to the correct angle.

The shell in the XM-25's breech gets its electronic time fuse precisely set by a wireless transmission from the smartgun computer at the instant it is fired. It flies out on the calculated ballistic arc and explodes exactly in the chosen spot - above the head of an enemy in a trench or on a rooftop, right next to one lurking around a corner, dead in the middle of a room etc. The miniature explosive warhead sprays the target(s) with shrapnel.

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