
Which Blowback?


Ever been confused which blowback rifle you want to get for yourself? It's the trend these days and Kai Wong and his crew from RedWolf Airsoft took up the cudgels to help you want to take your pick. In the 2-part video below, they reviewed three types of M4 Blowback rifles from Tokyo Marui with its EBB and recoil engine, the Western Arms GBB, and the SOCOM Gear N4 Noveske GBB which is based on the WE GBB technology.

Though they have not made a definite recommendation which should be their pick, they leave it all up to you make the final choice. Choices...choices...

As always mentioned, the TM SOPMOD M4 is a good all around blowback rifle, as the issue of the gas-based ones is during the cold weather which they perform less admirably than the battery-powered ones. But the good thing about the GBBs is that they are easily maintained, and can be accessorised better with real steel parts as these are made to exact dimensions as the real deal.

They all give a nice sound and kick in the recoil area. The gas blowbacks, in our experience, provide a better experience auditory terms, the sound is just good as the TM, while we love it, is a contraption of the recoil engine just to give the same effect. But with the gas blow backs, it doesn't need such additional mechanism.

So back to the question: which to get? It's a matter of budget and preferences. If you were to ask us we would always say get an electric blowback with recoil engine from TM to be able to play in a cold weather environment, and get a the GBBs from either WA, SOCOM Gear/WE for warmer (if a cheapskate, get the AGM clone of the WA GBB) temperatures as they highly recommended in military simulation and low-cap games.

But one thing in common that we at Popular Airsoft, and the guys at RedWolf Airsoft have: we're lousy shots.

Part 1

Part 2

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