G.COMPANY New Open Bolt Minimi GBBs


Still searching for another supplier of a gas blowback M249 which we are sure many of you are hoping an alternative to the OPFORCE DG version? Here's one from Japan right now, the maker is called G. Company and they built an open bolt M249/Minimi Gas Blowback version using either the A&K or Top M249s as the base guns. Apart from the box magazine, you can feed the WE gas magazines for the M4, SCAR-L, and HK416. Check the video below.

G. Company Open Bolt M249 Para GBB


It may not be the first M249 Airsoft Blowback, but this custom gun made by G. Company would sure make some gas blowback fans happy as this will not a tethered type like those HPA drop-in kits for the M249 with the A&K M249 para as the donor body for the custom work. The first video shows it firing M4 gas magazines, which some wouldn't want since it there will be a huge limitation in ammo. The M4 gas magazines are the WE variety. But the second and older video shows a box magazine and we don't know its capacity however.

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