CTM Tac AAP-01 & Hi-Capa Upgrades At MOA Taiwan 2024


At the CTM Tac booth during the MOA Exhibition Taiwan 2024, they show to us the new products they have for upgrading the Action Army AAP-01 and Hi-Capa GBB Pistols. The AAP-01 FUKU-2 CNC Upper Shark, or simply the Shark (there is also a Baby Shark version), is a precision-machined CNC upper receiver inspired by a shark's silhouette. Available in long and short versions, it boasts a Picatinny rail for optics and a slot for internal red dot sights.

VFC MP7A2 GBB At Tokyo Airsoft Park


Gameplay video by the P.O. Channel with the VFC MP7A2 GBB in action at the Tokyo Airsoft Park... "This video is a hands-on video of the VFC MP7A2 GBB! I've used it many times in games in the past, but this is the first time it's been made into a video! I'd say it's about 80% complete, and I'll continue to customize it in the future! I'm still not used to the MP7's parallax, so I end up relying on the G17, which I'm used to, in the most important parts lol Support supplies list"

Is The Action Army AAP-01 GBB Pistol Worth It?


Probably the most famous airsoft GBB pistol in recent years due to myriad ways of customising it, Tactical Chicano talks about the Action Army AAP-01 GBB Pistol if it is really worth buying it in this video. The Action Army AAP-01 is a green gas-powered pistol with a polymer frame and a threaded outer barrel. It is similar to the Ruger MK4 and features a fair amount of felt recoil and snappy cycling. The AAP-01 is also semi-automatic and full-automatic, making it a versatile and fun gun to shoot.

Timerzanov Airsoft: VFC MP7A1 GBB SMG


Timerzanov Airsoft's first review for 2021 covers the Umarex/VFC fully licensed MP7A1 Gas Blowback SMG... "Good morning all ! Happy New Year 2021! A new review of a GBBR, it is the MP7A1 VFC / UMAREX, I will test and compare this MP7 with the Marui that I own myself. The H&K MP7 is a weapon produced by the German firm Heckler & Koch from 2001. It is a personal defense weapon designed to meet NATO requirements which required an SMG type weapon.

Airsoft Action TV: Tokyo Marui Glock 19


Anvil and The Power go over the Glock 19 Gas Blowback Pistol from Tokyo Marui in this episode of Airsoft Action TV, and it is episode 70... "This is a video we originally shot for Clearwater Airsoft back in February however we thought you lovely lot would like see it too.

Phil takes us over some issues he had with his gloves before we move onto his thoughts on the pistol itself.

RA-Tech NPAS Install Into WE M9 GBB


Arsanus does a tutorial video to help you install the RA-Tech NPAs into WE Airsoft M9 Gas Blowback Pistol... "An In-Depth Tutorial on how to install a RA-Tech NPAS into your Gas-Blowback Pistol. This method should work on most Tokyo Marui/WE Gas Blowback Pistols and WE Open Bolt Rifles.

The Airsoft Pistol shown in the video is a 'WE-Tech Full Metal M9 Heavy Weight Airsoft GBB Pistol'.

Hephaestus AMD-65 GBB Clearance Sale


Grab one for yourself as when it is gone, it's gone! The Hephaestus AMD-65 GBB Rifle is on a clearance sale at the WGC Shop and that means you can get it a lower price... "Clearance Sale! Hephaestus x GHK AMD-65 GBB (Limited Edition) and it is available at the WGC Hong Kong Store/Showroom and the WGC Taiwan Warehouse."

PTS Mega Arms MKM AR15 At Tiger111HK


Tiger111HK gives us a closer look at the PTS Mega Arms MKM AR-15 GBB which they now have in stock... "PTS Mega Arms GBB Rifle is the newest airsoft rifle manufactured by KWA, means it comes with the newly developed KSC / KWA System 7 Two GBB System which makes this Mega Ams GBB has a great performance either in realistic training or gaming.

RedWolf: KWA x Magpul PTS LM4 GBB


The KWA-Magpul PTS LM4 Gas Blowback, which is on the high-end pricing of KWA, is now in stock at RedWolf Airsoft for US$499.00... "KWA always comes out with something worth while and the Magpul PTS LM4 definitely does not disappoint. I know it's another M4 on the market and how many can one make? But this a serious contender with all the other GBBR M4s out there.

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