We will not bore you with another firing test of the GHK G5 Gas Blowback SMG since it seems that all the pre-production units shipped to companies show that it has great recoil and blowback features. Hephaestus Airsoft tries a different track this time showing you how the gas magazine can discharge 80 rounds under one charge. So check the video below to find out:
More items marked down as Airsoft GI welcome the year with savings for their customers and WE GBB pistols are part of this... "Looking for a new GBB Pistol this year? We have added WE GBB Pistols to our wholesale section! Prices are marked down so low and you can knock them down even more by using the coupon code 'new2013' on your final order!
Angry Gun is on a roll with their upgrade kits as they have been releasing left and right new products to make a gas blowback airsoft user happy for the rest of the year. The video below shows their 300% Recoil Kit install in a KWA LM4 Gas Blowback Rifle and indeed the recoil is strong which might be a little bit unwieldy for some and think that it's a jackhammer.