Tools Everyone Should Own


The Dirty Civilian lists the tools that everyone should have for basic survival in this video... "We took a two-day Survival 101 class with Agonic and Mitch Wiuff, former SERE Instructor. We show how we improvise a group-sized shelter and go through our packing list for food, water purification, harvesting small game, wilderness medical, and fire starting."

Bridged Thermal Night Vision On A Budget


The Dirty Civilian lists thes pros and cons of using bridged thermal night vision whilst on a budget... "Everyone knows that night vision and thermal are superpowers. With any superpower though, it often comes at a heavy price. So how cheap can we go and still have a next-gen, functional system with both tools? In this video, we dive into the pros and cons of running night vision and thermal on a 'budget'."

Sig MCX Spear LT vs LMT MRP


A comparison of real steel Sig MCX Spear LT vs LMT MRP rifles in this video of 11.5 piston uppers by the Dirty Civilian... "On paper, these two guns are nearly identical. From barrel swaps, to piston designs, they seek to accomplish the same goal in different ways. Still, one was made nearly 20 years before the other, so what's the difference?"

New Holosun Thermal & Night Vision Red Dots


Dirty Civilian gives his take on the Holosun Thermal and Night Vision Red Dots if they are game changers in this video... "The new Holosun Thermal (DRS-TH) and Night Vision (DRS-NV) Red Dots are finally here. How do they perform and are they worth it? Are they a game changer for next-gen, affordable optics for civilians? The results are pretty incredible."

Tips In Using Night Vision


The Dirty Civilian got ten tips for those who are going to use night vision devices, especially first timers... "Getting into Night Vision can be daunting - so much to learn, and spend, just to get up and going. In this video, Drew and Josh break down the 10 most important things you need to know about using night vision for beginners, so you can start putting your investment to work."

Basic Drills For EDC, Home Defense & Night Vision


The Dirty Civilian shows some drills that you might want to try... "We break down a short list of drills that anyone can run to measure their ability. These are by no means the end zone of standards but they are a basic measuring stick to evaluate yourself by. We look forward to increasing these standards, introducing new drills and evaluating basic ability with tools not seen in this episode.

Low & No Light Techniques In CQB


Tips from the Dirty Civilian when operating in low conditions in close quarters... "When the lights go out, does how we do CQB change? Whether you're dealing with a potential threat in your house at night or your workplace when the power goes out, understanding the principles and techniques of effective white-light usage goes a long way. We link up with Drew Estell from Baer Solutions, former 5th Group Special Forces, as he breaks down the what, why, and how of Low-Light CQB."

Using "Ready Or Not" For Teamwork, Communication, & Movement IRL


Dirty Civilian talks about training with video games and in this case using "Ready or Not"... "Is it even possible to use Tactical Shooter video games to supplement real-life training? Yes and no. In this video we dive into how we use READY OR NOT to solidify some standard operating procedures for a group of guys who also train in person together. From communication, to teamwork, to movement - what we do when we can't be together in person.

Retro Rifle vs Modern Carbine


The Dirty Civilian got a legend as special guest, Kyle Lamb, where they have a match up on using retro and modern carbines... "As conflicts change, so do the weapons. Then, as the tools adapt, the tactics, techniques, and procedures shift again. Today, we talk With Kyle Lamb about his experience with the Colt 723 in Mogadishu, Somalia during Operation Gothic Serpent. We compare this rifle to his current build and find a few changes and a lot of similarities.

Dirty Civilian: Medical Every Civilian Should Know


This also means, which every airsofter should know, so this is a video by the Dirty Civilian that our readers might want to watch as it is applicable in and out of the airsoft field... "Kitting out your Med Bag is trendy. But what medical tools does the average citizen need and what procedures should they actually know? We cut through the fluff with Paul "Doc" Pollack of Baer Solutions and get back to the basics of medical and trauma procedures every civilian and family should prioritize:

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