Thumpy: Airsoft In Force On Force Training


Thumpy's 3-D House of Airsoft sends us a link on the use of airsoft, as well as paintball in military training, especially in force-on-force with this footage from Military Notes at the Quick Shot 2012, which is an interservice training for combat camera personnel from the Navy, Army, and Air Force to make them effective in combat shooting apart from being effective shooters with their cameras.

Ditchpig Airsoft Death Race Video


Thumpy's 3-D House of Airsoft spotted this video of Ditchpig Airsoft Death Race. I guess they ran out of other ideas to play airsoft and decided to do one better than Mario Kart or Mad Max. Not recommended for kids to try this... "This one is from a group called DITCHPIGS, who have their own mobile command post vehicle...but this is something a little, SPECTACULAR!

Thumpy Is Racking Up More Site Visits


Congratulations to Thumpy's 3-D House of Airsoft for the increase in traffic and eyeballs for his websites... "Yup, its official! YOU GUYS have made the Thumpy 3D House of Airsoft on SCOOP.IT the fastest-growing channel in MilSim and Airsoft, over 10-THOUSAND VIEWS in just 6 weeks! SHARE IT WITH YOUR BATTLE BUDDIES, and get all your News, Views, Videos and MORE, all in one place!

Thumpy: Another Echo1 USA AEG Recalled


The ongoing legal tussle between Cybergun and Echo1 USA Airsoft just chalked up another product being recalled by Jag Precision, the distributor of Echo1 products. According to Thumpy's 3-D House of Airsoft, this time it's the E-90 (P90 replica) and dealers of this product in the USA will need to return the stocks they have pending litigation. This is part of the FN Herstal-Cybergun lawsuit against them.

Thumpy's Major Rant On Airsoft On TV News


Thumpy's latest blog post at Thumpy's 3-D House of Airsoft shows he is not happy... "For some background, it is THE FEBRUARY TV RATINGS SWEEPS MONTH again. When normally mild and unobtrusive TV stations across the Fruited Plains resort to all kinds of stunts and stupidity to help potential ad buyers choose them as the place with the largest number of TV sets turned on, to spend their car/furniture/lawyer advertising money with for the next year.

Thumpy: SHOT 2012 Video & Second Channel


Thumpy's 3-D House of Airsoft has some new goodies for you to watch and read... "Wow, what a rush, trying to get back on track here at the 3D House since SHOT Show! Y'all know Thumpy was one sick fella. I had quite a nasty bug, and between all the walking, swag-hauling and the infection, I lost 18 pounds in 9 days! Hence, the delay in getting out videos. But we are now making headway. Check the latest here!

Echo1 ASC, MK16/17 Models Recalled


Thumpy's 3-D House of Airsoft is on the case as Thumpy sends in the latest update on this... "THUMPY's 3D House of Airsoft received several 'tips' from airsoft retailers that JAG Precision had e-mailed a letter to customers regarding the 'dramatic' SHOT Show shutdown of their display by CYBERGUN and FN Herstal. The details of that letter are posted on JAG's corporate homepage.

Thumpy: New Elite Force SHOT 2012 Video


Thumpy's recovering right now but still did his best when he was at the Shot Show, and here is his latest video from the Thumpy's 3-D House of Airsoft... "Hi guys...Thumpy is healing well from his bad, bad SHOT Show bug that limited his videos from Vegaa, and has his first in-depth video from the show floor with Cliff Eisenbarger from Elite Force Airsoft.

Thumpy Is Going To The Shot Show 2012


With the airsoft media gearing up to gives us a great coverage of the Shot Show 2012, we wondered if Thumpy's 3-D House of Airsoft would be there too. Indeed, he just dropped an email that it's Las Vegas or bust for him so expect him armed with a video camera and a mic when you encounter him there...

Thumpy: KWA KRISS Vector Teaser


The latest report from Thumpy's 3-D House of Airsoft for those who are excited about the upcoming KWA KRISS Vector Gas Blowback licensed by KRISS Systems... "EXCLUSIVE: KWA is 'teasing' the long-awaited KRISS Vector, information to-be-released on 17 January, 2012, just TWO Weeks from now at the SHOT Show 2012 in Las Vegas with this shot from the sidebar of their FACEBOOK PAGE.

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