Snow Wolf Airsoft Barrett AEG Review


Max Cherepenin does a 3-part review of the Snow Wolf Airsoft Barret Sniper/Anti-Materiel Rifle. The first part is unboxing the huge but simple packaging with the second video being the actual review of the rifle itsef. The third and last part of the review is the shooting demo of the rifle. This is an AEG with full auto mode option by the way just in case you are wondering.

Max Cherepenin's Top 5 Airsoft Pistols


Max Cherepenin starts the new year on his YouTube Channel listing his Top 5 airsoft pistols. Does he and many of you share the same taste? Watch the video... "Happy New Year! 2018! Thank you all for viewing my videos and subscribing in 2017. Lets start of the year right with the first video of the new year! Hope you enjoy!"

Why G Logos On Airsoft Glocks Different?


Got any answer to that question? Watch this video made by Max Cherepenin... "Made this video showcasing different style airsoft Glocks out there with different unique trademarks to prevent any types of copyright issues. Not all the Glocks out there are included in this video but a popular handful are."

Airsoft Products At Wal-Mart? Good Or Bad?


In the U.S. and perhaps elsewhere, those new to airsoft usually get their stuff from the biggest of the big box stores of them all --- Wal-Mart. But are the airsoft products you can access there good enough? Here is Max Cherepenin to tell his experience... "Everyone starts somewhere with airsoft, mine was airsoft guns and accessories from Wal-mart! Some of it lasted me this long, hope you enjoy!"

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