Flyye Industries Pouch Review By Yosser
02 Sep 2011
Yosser's Airsoft Odyssey Blog was supplied with three pouches made by Flyye Industries for review. These are the M4/M16 pouch, medic pouch, and the accessories pouch... "All pouches are manufactured using 1000D Cordura Nylon material which translates in real terms to lasting durability and for airsoft should last a good while and stand up to the everyday knocks, scuffs and abuse we can give our kit.
Each pouch is water resistant, and features drain holes should they be needed! The MOLLE webbing straps are stiffened and each metal snap carries the Flyye branding. I can’t see anyone having issues when it comes to weaving any of the gear into existing molle systems. Great to see the manufacturer taking pride and branding their work with each item ‘tagged’ with a Flyye & Cordura Logo hidden away on the reverse side. Most of the pouch types are available in a good variety of colours and I’ve found that certainly the Coyote Brown is a good match for other manufacturers kit so you should be able to mix & match with little trouble."
Read the full review here. Pouches were supplied by Military 1st.