
D-Tonator Airsoft Grenade At Airsoft Armoury


Airsoft Armoury D-Tonator Airsoft Grenade

Quick overview of the D-Tonator Airsoft Grenade available at Airsoft Armoury... "Made like most other modern grenades, as an impact grenade. That is, it goes off when it receives a hard blow. The version here is slightly different, in that it has a built-in handle that works both as a "split", but which can also sit in a molle strap.

The grenade is without the classic split, but with a lock that you press on and off, depending on whether it is to be in the safe or ready. It's super smart and very easy to do.

The grenade contains 155 rounds and is powered by gas. We recommend using 0.20g or 0.12g balls for a better spread.

No power gas of any kind may be used. Max PSI is 120."

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