The British Practical Shooting Show 2018
23 Sep 2018

The First British Practical Shooting Show is set on the 6th - 7th October 2018. Various shooting disciplines, Action Air included, will be able to showcase products and accessories that practical shooters need. This is hosted by Target Sports Centre and will take place at the Westpoint Centre in Exeter, Devon.
"To redress the lack of representation of practical and tactical shooting at the existing national shooting shows, The Tunnel Target Sports Centre is hosting The Practical Shooting Show on the 6th and 7th of October at Westpoint Arena near Exeter, Devon.
The Show will be a great opportunity for distributors, small producers, and practical shooting organisations to show off their equipment, and for shooters to see all of the biggest and best producers of practical firearms, optics, accessories, and clothing in the UK, in one place, for the first time!"