
Airsoftology Q&A: Airsoft Hurts Too Much?


Airsoftology Q&A: Airsoft Hurts Too Much?

Always a debate in each country, the limits to airsoft muzzle velocities and determine the pain threshold that it is almost tantamount to assault. In cases some airsoft fields can go "open FPS" in the case of the Philipines. But otherwise many airsoft fields in other countries follow the rules set by authorities or they lose insurance and permits to operate. This topic and more are touched upon by Jonathan Higgs in this Airsoftology episode.

"Tippmann Mail Call:

2:00 -  Are airsoft field limits just too high and cause too much pain?
6:17 - Favorite Pop-Tart flavor?
6:23 - Anything I need for a Milsim West game aside from the kit list they have?
9:48 - Is being a young airsoft YouTuber a disadvantage?

12:12 - Code Red Headsets video of the week:
Milsim West - Counterassault Saratov 2019 | GRIMNIR TACTICAL"

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