
FPS in the Summer Sun

Gungho Cowboy

With summer around and the heat is going to new heights, it's going to be hot (meaning more action) for airsoft as many players would become available, besides taking a holiday. The Examiner.com's Arjang Taiby writes about starting airsoft for the uninitiated. It is a short and concise article for those wanting to delve into the world of airsoft for the first time. A must read for newbies who do not have much time to read a longer story about airsoft for beginners, especially for those in California.

With the wonderful Bay Area weather heating up as it always does this time of year, gamers at times can forget the fun ofCourtesy of Savi Savinovich outdoor gaming. An activity for those that enjoy first-person shooters is the wonderful game of airsoft. For anyone who has not played airsoft, it falls somewhere between laser tag and paintball. This means that there is a little more money needed to be put into it than laser tag, but hurts somewhat less than paintball. For the bargain gamer, or anyone who is looking to save some money in this economy there are cost effective ways of getting into this live-action game. Beyond the obvious requirement of an airsoft gun, everyone needs some basic equipment.

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