
Before You Click "Buy Now" To Get That Patch...


… better think twice. You might find the Medal of Honor Warfighter Patches made by London Bridge Trading (LBT) cool and want to collect them. But in your search of getting a very good price for these, you may be ordering unauthorized or unlicensed patches from some online store somewhere. While you might get the satisfaction of saving a few bucks for these, you may also be depriving some charity organizations dedicated to veterans and their families.

Indeed, there are some sellers of such patches, which I'll not mention here but surely, they know who they are. I have nothing against having a living peddling very affordable gear that airsoft players buy, but sometimes, in answering the needs of the market for cheap products, intellectual property gets violated. It would be nice to partner with those who hold the intellectual property to products. Some of these companies will be reasonable to deal with as who wouldn't like another revenue stream? There will be some who will demand too many things that it would not be profitable to work with them, so why not just walk away?

I will not delve on the politics and economics of intellectual property and will just let the market (and politicians) determine who gets to sell what. I would focus on the MOH Warfighter Patches as the beneficiaries may be missing on potential funds when we buy unlicensed patches.

The LBX Tactical Store is the sole seller of these patches. Nobody else. The unauthorized ones are being sold for US$5.39 while the original patches are at US$6.85 so not really a big difference if you're looking into savings. If you buy from LBX Tactical Store, all the proceeds of the sale (100%) will go to the Navy SEAL Foundation, Special Operations Warrior Foundation, and Tommy Challenge. And as for the rip-offs? Not even a single cent will be seen by these organizations and their intended beneficiaries.

To distinguish the original from the rip-off, the original has the MOH acronym on the top part of the patch while the rip-off does away with the MOH. The rip-offs have the Wolfpack, Gunfighters, 1st Battalion 75th Ranger, and the Neptune patches. So if you don't see any MOH in those designs, then it's not authorized. Much more, even if the patch has MOH, and you're buying it from a store not LBX Tactical, then it's unauthorized.

And it would make you feel better, since it always feels good knowing you are helping other people if you buy the original patches. If you want to show appreciation to those who have put their lives in the line of duty to protect your freedom and way of life, then it's best to  go original.

This is not an endorsement of LBT and MOH Warfighter as commercial entities, but an endorsement of their noteworthy efforts to give something back to those who have given all and their families.

We are guilty in one way or another of buying something unlicensed from the original owner, just to achieve a certain loadout in airsoft in order to save money or be within budget. But as for the case of the MOH Warfighter/LBT Patches, let's all make an exception if we want to have these patches.

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