
"TAKEDOWN: Red Sabre" Takes You Back To Old School FPS


If you have been in the initial days of multiplayer FPS gaming such as those from Half-Life then to its mod called CounterStrike, then you might recall playing Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six, which for us at that time, was considered to be brutal among the FPS games at that time. Just one mistake gets either you, a teammate, or a hostage quickly killed. And if you get wounded or injured, there's no heal option.

To play Rainbow Six well, it takes a planning, the right team member, and of course more tactical movements just to get through a single level, even if all the equipment in the game were already high tech. Nowadays, FPS games are more convenient ones as navigation are done through hints, and you don't die quickly, giving you also faster respawns.

Even how much we bitched about the old Rainbow Six, we know that it's the most tactical among the FPS games. Even if there's a new Rainbow Six title called "Patriots" coming out next year, good ole FPS gamers yearn for the realism of the old Rainbow Six, and to an extent SWAT 4.

And they will get their wish soon with "TAKEDOWN: Red Sabre."

Christian Allen, the game designer behind GRAW (Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter) and Halo Reach, wants to bring us back to the good old brutal FPS days of Rainbow Six. So he set up a company called Serellan LLC., and turned to Kickstarter to raise funds for "TAKEDOWN" and successfully raised more than his target goal of US$200,000 last April 2012.

Since then, the development of the game has progressed and they are now taking pre-orders via Steam. To further describe further this game, here is what the project owner wrote at Kickstater:

This game, the spiritual successor to games like the original Rainbow Six and SWAT series, will focus on realistic weapons modeling, squad based play, in a close-quarters battle setting. To succeed in this game you need to take things slow, study your plans, and execute flawlessly. If you get shot, there are consequences. You won’t be hiding behind a wall waiting for your health to regenerate. If a team member goes down, you will have to assess the situation and reallocate team members if necessary to complete the mission. Don't expect all of the tools and plans to be forced fed to you - it is up to the player to ensure their team is equipped and ready for the tasks at hand.

Going back to the original game play of Rainbow Six may also help gamers and even airsoft players who are also FPS gamers themselves, develop the planning skills or mindset before undergoing any mission --- gathering information to achieve mission objectives and allocating resources, operator and equipment alike towards the goal.

For those who are waiting for the game, as mentioned, if you have placed a pre-order you get to have the "Red Sabre Deadly Killhouse" map unlock and is a challenging single player map. Together with the Publisher, 505 Games, Serellan LLC. will be releasing "TAKEDOWN: Red Sabre" on the 20th of September 2013 for the Windows PC and XBox 360 platforms.

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