Operation Bad Blood 2024 On 29-30 June
24 May 2024

The annual charity event initiated by Moondog Industries is set to be held at the usual playing grounds in Pennsylvania. Bad Blood 2024, which is supported by Evike.com will take place at the EMR Event Park in New Milford and you can choose your faction... "Evike.com is coming to the East Coast to hold their annual customer appreciation game, co-produced by Moondog Industries and EMR Event Park. A portion of the event proceeds will be donated to the JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Fund).
The Scenario:
In the aftermath of an outbreak of Ebola, a third of Congo's population is dead and the country is in open civil war. The CDC (U.S. Centers for Disease Control) has put out a bounty for fresh virus samples from the affected regions to try and isolate the new Ebola strain. The country is split into 4 warring factions. Each faction has sent armed medical teams into the hot zone to find the most viral samples."