
James Bond's Underwater Breather Just Got Real With The Triton Rebreather

Gungho Cowboy

Triton, the World's First Artificial Gills Re-breather, which has got a lot backers of Indiegogo, achieving almost a thousand percent of its original funding goals, is not exactly new news. Ethan Wolff-Mann wrote on Thrillist in 2014 that it is a product that is not gonna happen. But with almost half a million dollars pledged by over a thousand backers believing it works, the inventors better make sure that it does work as promised.

This concept is not exactly new, though it is more a product of imagination by the props guys for James Bond in Thunderball and Die Another Day. But if you want some waterborne airsoft without using scuba equipment, then Triton may just be the device to use to make it a sneak attack on the enemy. Just make sure your airsoft gun can go underwater and be able to fire soaking wet when you surface.

So what really is Triton? According to its makers, is a “state-of-the-art oxygen respirator, that allows you to breathe underwater by utilizing our ‘artificial gills’ technology.” It does not intend to replace the scuba gear as you can only go underwater with it to a depth of 15 feet. If you want something better than a snorkel when swimming underwater with the fishes and checking out coral reefs, the Triton can keep you underwater far longer without going to surface to get air. With a fully-charged battery, you can go and check marine life for 45 minutes.

The heart of Triton’s technology is a powerful modified micro compressor which compresses oxygen and stores in a storage tank. The micro processer extracts the oxygen that has been let in with the Microporous Hollow Fiber which also keeps water out. Overall, Triton is 11 inches long and 4.5 inches wide. Not exactly as small as the breather of James Bond, but then the Triton is not a movie prop.

If you go down further below the 15 feet maximum, the device will start to vibrate and an LED light will blink. It will also make it harder for you to breather and thus force to go up further near the surface for the Triton to function normally.

With the funding goal achieved, the only thing remaining for the Triton team is to wait for the money to be released to them by Indiegogo and deliver the product to backers  by December 2016.

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