
It's Back To The Island In "The Genesis Project"


At the end of last summer I went to this game in Croatia, on the Island Mrcara where Operation Rising Sun was held. A few days ago the organizer/host Kreso of Adriatic Airsoft Alfa reminded me that Op. Rising Sun Pt2 is a GO! So I fired off an e-mail with my questions to find out what's new under Operaton Rising Sun at Mrcara Island.

Popular Airsoft: Kreso, it's good to hear that after the success of Operation Rising Sun, this year there will be another similar event on your island. Please tell us what's the connection between the previous and this game.

Kreso: "The Genesis Project" is second part of the Op.Rising Sun scenario. Operatives return to to the island because the last missile was not found by Silver Phoenix Squad and now White Shadows managed to launch it. The target was Washington DC which was protected by the Genesis space station. A special White Shadows unit named "Sleepers" were called in to upload a virus and disrupt the Genesis at the same time when the launch happened. The Island is now a WDA base and the Defenders Of Freedom thinks no one is foolish enough to attack an island armed to the teeth. This will be the conclusion of our story but if gamers want to keep it alive then we'll have another go next year...who knows.

Last time people came from Italy, UK, Germany, Slovenia and. How many returning players you going to have? Where the new players coming from this year?

Lots of Italian guys will join us again and maybe a part of the original 16 (Silver Team) will return from the UK and Slovenia. This year it looks like the gamers are coming in from all over. I have had enquiries from France, Switzerland, Austria, Czech Republic, USA, Hungary, and Bosnia.

Did you manage to convince local (Split, Croatia) players to join the event?

There will be a few Croatian freelancers, which make us happy and shows that we are recognized as a quality game producer and friendly host.

Did you do any improvements on the island?

This year we set the date to a little earlier and picked the best part of the holiday season. The weather won't be too hot to enjoy the scenario but the sea will be still warm so we can introduce new equipment and territories. This year we are determined to finally use the Zodiacs as part of the game plus during the mission players will hop over to the neighboring island to the submarine pen. We also have sponsors for this year so now we can give out gifts and organized an "after party lottery" .

Where can people go to check out the rules or register?

There are still open slots, so everybody who find our little island attractive, can visit our web site or FB event page at:

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