
An Interview With The Organizers of "The Combat For The Falklands 2014"

Anonymous (not verified)

A year ago, on the 12th to the 14th of June 2014, an international airsoft event took place in the Urals of Russia. Called the "The Combat For the Falklands 2014", it was an event where airsoft players get to do amphibious landings, based on the story of the Falklands conflict, but this time, a scenario was created wherein the British and Americans were defending the islands from the alliance of Argentina and Spain.

Many of Popular Airsoft readers would remember this event to have an airsoft version of the M1A2 Abrams tank which was used by the defending troops and LCVP Mk5 landing crafts for the attackers. The event started with the amphibious assault where simulated artillery, mortar, and tank attacks were conducted to frustrate both sides from achieving their objectives. It was an epic start as shown in this video by the Red Army Airsoft Club:

There were lots of questions that we wanted to ask the "Combat", the organizers of the event, and after sometime, they decided to answer them. But first here is a feedback of the event from an American participant. We caught Brandon at a coffee shop where he shared his impressions of the game:

After the "The Combat For the Falklands 2014", and the even the "Combat for Manhattan" which they organized a year back, we were curious if they plan more epic games for airsoft players. A lot of people from the USA and Europe are interested if another event such as this will take place again. Here is our interview with them:

Will there be even more epic games? If yes, then when will they take place?

Yes.  We first took a rest from the previous project and now, we are planning a  new large-scale game. Perhaps as early as 2016, there will be a new game in the series called "Combat for ..."

As to what this is,  we will not disclose all the cards. Just follow the news,  an announcement may be possible this fall.

Your organization is well  known for creating innovations in the Russian airsoft scene. Helicopters, drones, Abrams tanks, landing barges, etc.  What else will happen?

Definitely! We will continue to develop the level of play and continue to make innovations. We already have ideas for the game props and script of the game, which has not been implemented anywhere in the world. We hope we will succeed, but we will not disclose secrets.

Your new projects will be only for Russian players or will they be open to foreign players too?

We plan our games to be international. We will be happy to host players from around the world and are ready to help with the organization of foreigners visiting our games. If you have a desire to attend our games and you need information help to do it - please email us at  [email protected].

Your site is not working. How can I follow the news from your organization?

In fact, the site is not working as it is located on a global hosting site and it's undergoing reconstruction. You can follow the news of our group can at our Vkontakte group: https://vk.com/combat66.

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