
Hong Kong's Elite Unit Has Gone Horny


I had a chat yesterday on Facebook with Arick Tsang of Public Enemy as he got my attention when he posted something about a new film on the Special Duties Unit (SDU) which is the elite unit of the Hong Kong Police Force and also called the "Flying Tigers". Well, at first glance I thought it's some action-thriller move about the SDU again and I am a fan of Hong Kong Police Movies as they're really good (remember Infernal Affairs?), though I thought my eyes were deceiving me when the poster shows "SDU: Sex Duties Unit."

I asked Arick about it and he confirms it's an upcoming sex comedy film in Hong Kong  and will be released in Summer 2013.  There's a trend right now in Hong Kong Cinema of producing sex comedies, and they're the big money. Why the trend and commercial success? According to the Hollywood Reporter the success of the sex comedy film Vulgaria "has "become a symbol of defiance for Hong Kong filmgoers demanding local content that dares to broach the no-go topics forbidden by mainland China’s strict censorship regime." Earning whilst at the same time able to protest against such forbidden topics surely would be nice among Hong Kong film makers.

Anyway, back to SDU: Sex Duties Unit. The members of the Elite Unit are taken by their Captain to nearby Maca, the sin city in the Pearl River Delta  where casinos are alive, and prostitution is rife as Macau is the Las Vegas of Asia.  Being a free-wheeling city in terms of vices, Macau became a mission for an outing  of debauchery for the members of the SDU.

The Hong Kong Top Ten Box Office Blog writes further about SDU: Sex Duties Unit will also have in the cast actresses from Mainland China and will be in some nude scenes. Honestly, we find Hong Kong, even if it has a cosmopolitan outlook, is also city where the people are prude and it's the second least promiscuous city in Asia (Bangkok, Thailand and Makati, Philippines are the most promiscuous cities in Asia).

Will this trend of sex comedy films in Hong Kong influence the sexual habits of the locals? I don't know, but one thing for sure,  we always need a hit of laughter as they say laughter is the best medicine. Will the Special Duties Unit perform their duties well as the Sex Duties Unit? Our friends from Public Enemy will find out when the movie gets released this Summer.

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