
Cyber-G Watch: A 6-Part Cybergun Report


Before making any reactions to what Thumpy's posting about Cybergun, we admonish that everything that he has reported online should be read carefully, careless comments do not make you a smart person. It's more of making you a dumb ass. Always the bane of websites with comments features, commenters who do not have a clue on what is being discussed, are often wished that their computers fry.

In the continuing saga of Cybergun's march to building the Death Star, errr...towards World airsoft domination, errrr... being the dominant airsoft company in the world is always a worry by airsoft players who have watched how the company throws its weight around. While they may have been doing proper business, we stress that they have not actually endeared themselves to the airsoft community, especially in the US. With their recent acquisition of Spartan Imports to corner a huge chunk of the airsoft market, and buying of Inokatsu in Taiwan to have an "upscale" presence to start targeting players with more disposable incomes, Cybergun is hitting several business areas: kiddie guns, trademark licensing, rebranding of existing airsoft models from other manufacturers, distribution, and high-end airsoft. The last part means that Cybergun will not start funding the development of its own airsoft line, rather than just rebrand.

However, there's resistance from many serious players in buying products that come in Cybergun boxes. We asked some regular Popular Airsoft readers what they think of Cybergun products, and what they say is that they won't touch them even with a 10-foot pole. But they are resigned to the fact that some airsoft guns they buy from some airsoft manufacturers bear the Cybergun name through the licensing of trademarks.

As we always say, Cybergun maybe is a misunderstood company with its inability to create some rapport with the airsoft community. It's focused more on the bottomline, quarterly reports, and of course, appeasing its investors. But then, the airsoft players are the most important component in the conduct of its business. Without their wholehearted acceptance, Cybergun will soon hit a plateau, and business will be flat in the long run.

While they are eager granting interviews to business publications, it is of the essence that they should open themselves to the community in order for them to really build a proper relationship with them.

Now from Thumpy, he reports again with his Cyber-G Watch about a 6-part report from SICAVOonline.fr:

"There is amazing stuff  available on the Internet when you take the time to look for it.  Secret U.S. and Allied Military plans and reports excluded…or does THIS latest batch of Cyber-Goodness qualify?   More in a moment; But first, 'Now something completely different: A Man with Three Buttocks.

For the guy who wrote the following as an alternate answer in the ThumpPoll (Details At Thumpy's TODAY): 'What did Cybergun offer you to be their tool and push their stuff?”

Tool? Nothing.  Absolutely nothing. And if you can’t follow what’s happening here with the Cyber-G Watch, ‘me thinks YOU are the one that needs a trip to the bench grinder.  Not the sharpest hatchet in the shed, are we?  Let me spell it out for you: it’s a R-E-C-O-N, or for the UK Thumpettes out there, a R-E-C-C-E…what you do with the information we’re compiling is up to you.

With that off my chest, check out the AMAZING 6-PART Series done by SICAVOnline.fr…and pointed to us by AirsoftNews.fr, and Thumpy’s LATEST SPECIAL CYBER-G WATCH REPORT


Late News into the Cyber-G Watch, as First Quarter Profits Reports are posted…UP 27 percent from Q1 last year!

Get all the details and more news at Thumpy's 3-D House of Airsoft Today!



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