
Common Sense Way Of Dealing With Children And Airsoft Guns


It is almost standard fare in local news in the United States, of children playing airsoft guns that have caused some tensions in their communities, be it in their neighborhood, school, or public park. Thumpy's 3-D House of Airsoft have actually a segment callled "Air Stupid" which reports these types of incidents and they are just too many of them to mention.

And we have reported also previously, two stories of schools that the authors think have lost their common sense and have been prime examples of over reach and over zealousness. Kids want to have fun with toys, and sometimes replica firearms, including airsoft guns are part of these toys. Sometimes they will play with their toys where they are, and unaware or uninstructed of the implications that replica firearms may cause when they play with these that can be seen of the public.

Thanks to Thumpy's scooping efforts, he found "Common Sense Guidelines for Gun Play", written by Jennifer Fink which we suggest that every parent or guardian, or school official should read. The first thing to realize is to accept that "Like it or not, our boys live in a culture that’s quick to criminalize what may be perfectly normal and legal behavior" that what I think is caused by a hysterical mass media and over protective parents, uninformed neighbors, and over reaching school officials.  With that realization, we take note that boys (and girls) face being branded as criminals even early on by drastic actions caused by the local community on children with replica firearms.

According to Fink, she will take efforts to explain to her young boys on the implications of using airsoft guns with these parameters:

  • Why gun play makes some people deeply uncomfortable
  • When and where and what kind of guy play is OK
  • How they should respond if someone expresses a concern

And with these, she proposes the Common Sense Rules for Gun Play:

  • Orange plastic tips must remain in place on all realistic-looking weapons
  • If anyone expresses discomfort with gun play, the play must stop instantly
  • Airsoft weapons and realistic-looking guns may not be carried in plain sight and must never go to school
  • No playing with airsoft guns or other realistic-looking runs in public sight. At my house, that means Airsoft play is restricted to the garage attic.
  • If school, local or law enforcement authorities question your play, stop immediately and treat the authorities with respect. It’s OK to ask to contact your parents before answering any questions.

What do you think? Is this something that us, as responsible adults, can accept and impart with the children who like playing with airsoft guns? Do you have anything else to share or add to these guidelines.

Just remember that anything that will help them still play with airsoft guns without being branded as a menace by the community would always be looked into by airsoft enthusiasts. In this case, these guidelines should be something for everyone in the airsoft community to ponder upon.

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