
Call of Duty: Ghosts "Free Fall' Downloadable Bonus Map Preview


Pax, the 4-day show that is exclusively devoted to gaming and is held in various locations, mainly in the U.S. just recently concluded their Pax Prime last 30 August - 2 September 2013. Pax is the only show that participants get to try video game titles from the past to the future, and find out what they missed and there are major announcements by games developers and publishers regarding their titles.

The Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 multiplayer gaming had their tournament during the event, and sponsored by Turtle Beach, the makers of audio accessories  where UNiTE Gaming won.  Various teams competed for the $10,000 prize. While Pax Prime was ongoing, Infinity Ward, the developers for the latest Call of Duty title, "Ghosts", released a preview of their "Free Fall" multiplayer gaming map.

In what  they call as a dynamic map. The "Free Fall" is about a skyscraper falling then got wedged between two buildings, which slowed down its fall. With all the cinematic effects experienced in single player mode also carried to this map. This map is called a dynamic map as the layout changes all the time as the skyscraper collapses. This means that the players will not be familiar with the map no matter how many times they play, and also removes the "camping" concerns that other multiplayer gamers complain about (though tactically, it is sound).

The glass windows of the skyscraper thus become the floors of the multiplayer map as it will be on its side when wedged between two buildings. We don't know if sending a grenade shell to a position of a player will also blast off the window, and the player falling through it.

Infinity War announced that dynamic maps will be a standard feature in the game which then changes how players will now plan their tactics when playing in the multiplayer games. The "Free Fall" multiplayer map is a bonus map that can be downloaded by those who pre-order the video game which is set to be released on the 5th of November 2013.

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