
All Roads Lead To The SHOT Show Again


It's already a tradition and a ritual. The SHOT Show of the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) opens the year where all firearms and tactical gear enthusiasts look forward to, whether as a visitor, buyer, exhibitor, or media, as the exhibition ushers in the new year for the tactical and shooting sports community.

In terms of airsoft, the event is now entrenched in the calendar of the airsoft industry, as airsoft is now an integral part of the event, whereas before airsoft was still something of a novelty, and almost considered not a shooting sport. But over the past five years, airsoft's presence in the event is growing bigger and bigger, and some of the big product announcements or exhibits are found in airsoft exhibits.

For the Airsoft Media, especially for those who are based in the U.S.A., it's not only a time to report about everything airsoft and tactical from one location, but also as a time to rub elbows with fellow airsoft enthusiast and airsoft media practitioners. Even the presence of the airsoft media grew with the presence of the airsoft industry as the organizers have opened accreditation to them with wholeheartedness. Thus, the SHOT Show is truly the biggest airsoft media event every year.

Expect airsoft bloggers, news reporters, Youtube Channels, and the like to be there bringing the exhibit floor to your computer screens. Apart from the guns (real steel or airsoft), tactical gear, the people to find, they will be there ready with their photos of booth and calendar babes.

Next week will be an exciting week, when the SHOT Show kicks off on the 15th of January and even us at Popular Airsoft will not be there. We will be bringing you all the reports that we can find as our friends in the airsoft media will be giving us their feed. So stay tuned to our site and catch all the SHOT Show 2013 action, in case you won't make it Las Vegas.

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