Recon Brothers: Avoid This When Buying Tactical Products


Recon Brothers talk about counterfeit or rip-off tactical gear in this video... "We've heard it plenty of times already from our manufacturers and suppliers: 'people are unaware of how many fake products dominate the online market'. Tactical products and gear can be expensive and looking for a bargain is what everybody aims for. Only thing is that the probability of ending up with a fake is immense these days and spending 70% or even 100% of the price on a fake will make no-one happy.

Airsoftology Q&A On Lancer Tactical News


Airsoftology Q&A Mondays also delves ito the news about the boss of Lancer Tactical being arrested for intellectual property violations during the SHOT Show 2017 and is now news in the airsoft community. Apart from that, he discusses about team sponsorship and about the Novritsch's new sniper rifle.

Revision Desert Locust Counterfeiter Arrested


Revision Military announce that a Chinese counterfeiter of their products has been arrested during the SIA Snow Show in Denver, Colorado early this month. The Revision Desert Locust Goggles that these Chinese counterfeiters copy and sell as originals do not have the same quality and offer the same protection as the real deal. Press release from Revision Military below:

Hyde Definition Warning On Buying PenCotts


Hyde Definition have put out an advisory regarding buying their PenCott camo fabrics at discounted prices on eBay and other outlets that these are rejected or "2nd quality" fabrics. Also, they are planning to pursue legal action to those who sell either wholesale or resale/retail counterfeit PenCott Camo fabrics as unlicensed copies are now appearing online.

Team Wendy Wins Suit Versus FMA


Time for retailers of FMA Helmets that are replicas of the Team Wendy helmet designs, airsoft retailers or otherwise, to stop selling these in the USA. According to Soldier Systems Daily, Team Wendy filed a lawsuit against FMA HK (Zhongshan Mai Bu Mould Co., Ltd.) in the US Northern District of Ohio Western Division.

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