Operation Uprising 2 Insurgent Loadout


Find out what Jonathan Higgs of Airsoftology had put together to use for the Insurgent role in Operation Uprising 2 that took place last 20-21 February 2016 in Hill 559, Clovis, California. As to how he sourced all the gear to have a good impression, click here to go to actual video on YouTube where the list is there.

Creating an Insurgent Loadout 2014


We have Noble of Jolly Roger Airsoft back and he has another loadout tip for you. If you are going to be the OPFOR in again, it's always best to look the part and show them how to put an OPFOR loadout together and look badass... "This week we take a look at the process behind creating an Insurgent or OPFOR style loadout."

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