Tokyo Marui Patriot M4 HC 15 April Release


Tokyo Marui announced that they will be releasing the Tokyo Marui Patriot M4 HC (High Cycle Custom) will be released on the 15th of April. Even using an 8.4 Mini S battery, this AEG is able to spit out 25 shots per second. As this is a compact AEG, it is useful as a primary for CQB games and as a backup for airsoft snipers needing a lightweight and compact AEG for closer ranges.

S&T MG42 AEG High Cycle Custom


We have seen the video of the Nishiyan240 firing the MG42 from SHOEI and now it's the MG42 from Smart Team (S&T) that's being tested. Not happy with the rate of fire (ROF), the MG42 got tweaked further thant it now can fire 23-25 BBs per second with a 7.4v 2000 mag battery. Watch the video if you are impressed with the new high cycle capability.

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