Andrew tries the TTI TP-22 GBB Pistol whhich is available at RedWolf Airsoft if it is something to recommend to competitive airsoft shooters... "In this week's review, Andrew takes a look at the Titanium Tactical Industry TP-22, a futuristic and unique GBB airsoft pistol loosely based on the Taurus TX-22 Competition.
Jaeger Precision goes over the Titanium Technical Industries TP22 GBB Pistol that seems to be under the radar in the airsoft market. The TP22 is TTI Airsoft's first gas blowback airsoft pistol. It is a modular pistol that can be equipped with a variety of accessories, including a threaded barrel, an RMR optics plate, and Picatinny under rails. It also uses magazines that are compatible with Tokyo Marui G17 spec magazines and Umarex (VFC) Glock 17 spec magazines.
Tacticool UGG got the TTI TP22 Competition GBB Pistol to check it out if it's a good for some competitive airsoft pistol shooting. The TP22 is a gas blowback airsoft pistol by TTI Airsoft that combines features from various popular pistol models. It has a threaded barrel, an RMR optics plate, Picatinny under rails, and fiber optic iron sights for different customization options.
A Taurus XT22 airsoft version is available, and it is called the Titanium Tactical Innovations TP22 GBB Pistol which gets reviewed by the Middle Aged Gamer... "TTi are the original Designers and creators of the AAP-01marketed by Action Army that took Airsoft by storm in 2021, They continue to be the number one for upgrade kits for it. Now in 2023 they released under there own name the Titanium Tactical Innovations TP22 a clone of the Torus XT22 Competition.
Mokei Paddock show us the various features of the TTI Airsoft TP22 Competition GBB Pistol they have available (machine translated)... "A striker type that uses .22 long rifle bullets made by TAURUS in Brazil from TTI AIRSOFT (TITANIUM TACTICAL INDUSTRY), which is based in Taiwan since 2021 and manufactures and sells high-quality CNC machined custom parts.
Yi Workshop goes over the TTI Airsoft TP22 Gas Blowback Pistol with is avant-garde design... "The avant-garde appearance and complete functions are my most direct evaluation of TTI AIRSOFT TP22, a toy pistol.