Tokyo Marui Bodyguard 380 fixed slide gas pistol gets some action at Imperial Airsoft in this video by Rozotta... "Airsoft ghillie sniper gameplay from Imperium Airsoft in Kent. I'm using my upgraded Tokyo Marui VSR 10 G Spec along with my Tokyo Marui Bodyguard 380 which has been upgraded with the Hadron Airsoft Designs TDC Conversion Kit 16mm and the Sniper Mechanics HEX. I'm wearing my Kicking Mustang KMCS Green Anorak ghillie suit."
Rozotta posted videos showing the highlights of the National Airsoft Festival 2021 that took place in the UK last month... "In this video I'll be sharing some highlights from the National Airsoft Festival 2021. The event takes place annually at Ground Zero Airsoft. I'm using my custom MFH leaf suit along with my upgraded Tokyo Marui VSR 10 G Spec and ASG MK23. I'm also using my Action Army AAP01 pistol."
Rozotta does a mod of the ASG MK23 barrel extension to make it even more silent... "In this video I share my experiences and thoughts on using a DIY MK23 airsoft suppressor. I decided to modify my ASG MK23 barrel extension and repurpose it to create an effective airsoft suppressor. I created the baffles using scotch brite scouring pads but there are many other materials you can use including foam and sponge. I also show how it compares against the Silverback MK23 airsoft suppressor."
Rozotta got thte Viper Special Ops Chest Rig for his use as an airsoft sniper and here is what he says about this gear... "My experiences and thoughts on the Viper Special Ops chest rig. I've crafted mine to be used with my leaf suit airsoft sniper loadout."