USAirsoft Plays Airsoft At A Renaissance Festival


It's actually the "Conquest of Avalon" IV that took place in the great state of Texas as USAirsoft plays at this event... "This event shines like a crown jewel when it comes to Texas Airsoft events. How exactly do you not get excited when you read 'Renaissance Festival Airsoft Game'?

This is Conquest of Avalon IV and I'm gonna show you what it's all about in this first edition of gameplay footage from the event that took place earlier this year."

USAirsoft: Renaissance Festival Airsoft Battle


Video footage from USAirsoft covering the Renaissance Festival Airsoft Battle - Conquest of Avalon III... "There are so many places that I wish I could play airsoft but admittingly not many of those dreams will never come true but this one just did thanks to Overwtach Tactics. Playing Airsoft at a Renaissance Fairground? Yes please!

This is Conquest of Avalon III."

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