Recon Brothers With The PELTOR ComTac VII


The Recon Brothers try the PELTOR ComTac VII, which is claimed to be world's first wireless tactical headset... "Let us introduce you to the very 1st WIRELESS tactical headset on the market, namely the PELTOR ComTac VII. This headset is one product of an entirely new technology called 'TMAS' which is incredibly modular. We will show you what this system is all about and talk about all of the products that fall under it, plus we'll give you our experience after using for a good while.

Recon Brothers Advice On Joining A Tactical Course


The Recon Brothers share their experience after attending such courses... "After joining 6 different tactical shooting courses we've got a pretty good idea of what they're all about. So here we're sharing our experience along with what someone can expect to get out of such courses. We'll also talk about some special drills that we've learned and go over tips for those that want to join such a course, but either have limited shooting experience or no shooting experience at all."

The Recon Brothers Resume Regular Programming


The Switzerland-based Recon Brothers, who regularly put out tactical tips and airsoft reviews have announced that they are back on the air... "After a year of inactivity on Youtube the ReconBrothers are back! We'll share the reasons for our absence, what you can expect from us going forward and give you a preview of the things that are coming your way."

Is The New Team Wendy Rail 3.0 Better or Not?


That's what the Recon Brothers will try to find out if the Team Wendy Rail 3.0 has something better to offer. This product is for integration of the EXFIL Rail 3.0 on the EXFIL Carbon or EXFIL LTP. Once it's installed one can then install the EXFIL Ballistic Visor and the EXFIL Face Shield. .. "Find out whether Team Wendy's Rail 3.0 is actually better than its predecessor."

Recon Brothers Fort Knox Belgium Gameplay 2021


Gameplay footage from the Recon Brothers during a game at Fort Knox in Belgium after undergoing some professional training... "We went to play airsoft at Fort Knox in Belgium after we attended professional training courses. We clearly see and feel the difference and enjoyed to play here again after such a long time! We mainly worked closely as a 3 man team quickly got behind enemy lines to destabilize our opponents."

Recon Brothers: "Are We Still An Airsoft Channel?"


Has the Recon Brothers YouTube channel evolved beyond airsoft topics? Better hear them out... "'Is this still an airsoft channel?' - A question that has been popping up more often lately. So, let's not beat around the bush any longer and give an answer to this topic straight away."

CQB Training With Airsoft Gas Blowbacks


The Recon Brothers got this footage of them doing some tactical training with gas blowbacks... "A few months ago we came together with the guys from Total Recoil Airsoft to do a seminar on CQB with airsoft gas blowback guns. A camera crew with some expensive equipment (don't ask how much) followed us the entire weekend and from their footage we created this small video."

Recon Brothers: Direct Action Belts


In this episode of "Try Before You Buy" of the Recon Brothers, it is all about Direct Action Belts... "Direct Action®'s belts are designed to serve with special operators, but what makes them differ compared to others? Well, we got our hands on the Mustang® Inner, the Warhawk® Rescue/Gun, the Warhawk® Modular Rescue/Gun belts & the Mosquito® Belt Sleeve and bring a full review comparing their pros & cons. As well as giving some insights in their modularity options & advantages."

Recon Brothers FOF Training Airsoft Gun Setups 2021


Check these training setups from Recon Brothers for 2021... "A lot has changed since 2 years ago. Not only in our gun setups themselves but also in the way how we utilize them. With this video we'll give you a 2021 update on the purpose of our personal setups, what gbb systems we use, what we have mounted on these and how, and how we use all this in practice for an effective and efficient use."

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