Team Sasquatch: Day One NAF 2018


Team Sasquatch participated and got some good footage from the National Airsoft Festival. Here is first day of their coverage. We'll be seeing more videos in the following days... "Our trip to the National Airsoft Festival at Ground Zero in RIngwood. We travelled with the B team of Battlezone Airsoft."

Zero One Blitz BBs & Tracer Units


With days getting darker as Fall has arrived, Zero One Airsoft are ready for more airsoft in low light conditions. They announce the availability of Zero One Blitz Tracer BBs in different colours for them to glow as well as tracer units to light them up when fired. For snipers, they have heavy weight BBs too. These BBs are either Bio or Non Bio... "Autumn's pretty much here now, the evenings will be getting darker quicker, so you know what that means eh...TRACER BBs!

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