STALKER Airsoft Gauss Gun


Dima Chunarev talk about the custom airsoft gun that they is based on the Gauss Gun seen in the STALKER video game and is a super-accurate hi-tech weapon called utem 62 that was developed in secret laboratories located inside the Zone... "This project is for the airsoft role-playing game Stalker. Based on the G-36."

STALKER Airsoft Loadout w/ WE Makarov


ComradeQuiche Airsoft does the STALKER impression as he plays at the  Hollywood Sports Paintball & Airsoft "Combat Center". STALKER or the Scavengers, Trespassers, Adventurers, Loners, Killers, Explorers and Robbers is a series of first-person shooter survival horror video games that was first introduced in 2007 and is mainly a game situated in Ukraine. In this video, the airsoft gun featured is the WE Airsoft Makarov GBB Pistol.

Red Army Airsoft: Green Suit Zarya 2


An interesting getup from Green Suit gets featured by Red Army Airsoft... "Jumpsuit with overlays for shoulders, elbows, knees, abdomen, with two chevrons on the hood, and two on the hands, a chest vest, an authentic belt with genuine leather elements and supporting shoulder straps, leather straps for shoes.

Automatic, duffel bag and pouch are not included.

Marty Airsoft Shows His STALKER Loadout


Marty Airsoft shows his loadout as member of the Clear Sky Faction based on the STALKER video game. Not sure if this is based on the Shadow of Chernobly which is the original or Clear Sky which is the sequel that was released ten years ago. Check the links he provides where to get the gear he used for a STALKER airsoft event last Spring.

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