Official video of the National Airsoft Festival 2018 released by Zero One Airsoft showing the highlights of the massive airsoft event... "Here it is, in all it's glory...the NAF18 highlights. Thanks to all the players, Marshals & Staff, retailers and food stalls who attended the biggest Airsoft Festival in the UK. A special THANK YOU to Charles for creating this video. See you all at NAF19."
Pew Hub interview crowd favourite Rich Torpey of Zero One Airsoft which runs the Ground Zero National Airsoft Festival, the largest airsoft event in the UK... "We spoke to none other than Ground Zero's Rich, event manager and crowdpleaser, at the National Airsoft Festival of 2018. Find out through the eyes of a newcomer, what NAE is like!"
Time to grab for yourself one of the new Krytacs as Zero One Airsoft got a delivery of the new Tridents and limited edition KRISS Vectors... "That's right, we have a LIMITED QUANTITY of the new Krytac AEG's available to buy NOW! Be one of the first in the UK to own one of these fantastic pieces of kit.
For further information and pricing please see our website!"
With days getting darker as Fall has arrived, Zero One Airsoft are ready for more airsoft in low light conditions. They announce the availability of Zero One Blitz Tracer BBs in different colours for them to glow as well as tracer units to light them up when fired. For snipers, they have heavy weight BBs too. These BBs are either Bio or Non Bio... "Autumn's pretty much here now, the evenings will be getting darker quicker, so you know what that means eh...TRACER BBs!
Zero One Airsoft got good news for customers overseas, they can now ship worldwide. They informed us that they have negotiated awesome rates with UPS so they can ship airsoft guns and accessories to the U.S. and the rest of Europe at better shipping rates. Better check their website to find out what items that UK-based airsoft store can offer to you.
Dead Rag, Hit Cloth, or whatever you call, everyone in airsoft needs one to mark themselves as hit. In this Zero One Airsoft video, Rich shows the Viper MOLLE Marker Flag allowing to mount a Dead Rag to your MOLLE vest or gear for easy pull to show that you're hit... "Ideal for when you've been shot and want EVERYONE to know it!"
A small grab bag from Viper, the Ops Bag, gets featured on the Zeron One Airosft YouTube Channel. Available at their online store, you have black, coyote tan, multicam, and olive as colour options... "Today we take a look at the Viper Spec Ops Bag. Small, yet versatile with plenty of storage space and great value for money!"
Zero One Airsoft wants you to ditch those trainers in favour or the Mil-Com Boots when playing airsoft. The Mil-Com Patrol boots are available in Black and Desert Colour and are very much affordable. These are lightweight and amde from high quality cow suede and have oil resistant rubber soles.
The new G&G TR16 MBR 308 with the G2 ETU is in stock at Zero One Airsoft, they got for an in-depth look at this AEG... "G&Gs new ETU includes technology that will automatically stop the gun from operating if it detects the battery voltage is too low. Once you disconnect the battery it will likely still operate in guns without this technology, as those products will allow the battery to drain completely flat.