6mmProShop Mechanical Airsoft BB Grenade At Evike.com


Looking for affordable reusable airsoft grenades? Evike.com got these US$29 BB grenades from 6mmProShop... "Grenades in Airsoft have always been a complicated and rather expensive piece of kit to bring onto a field. Traditionally Airsoft grenades fall into two categories with the expensive refillable gas powered options or one time use burst styles. The cost of refillable grenades made it some what prohibitive for most players to bring more than one grenade with them and thus were used sparingly.

Evike.com: The Most Evil AEG


Find out what is the most evil AEG according to Matt in this Evike.com video... "Greetings, Evildoers!  On this very special day, I, Bane, present to you the most EVIL AEG in existence!  The 6mmProShop M14 EBR, or better known as the Evil Black Rifle.  The perfect AEG for any evil villain."

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