King Arms just released a bunch of accessories under the EMG brand for use with the SIG Air Sportline MPX-K AEG. This is a compact and affordable airsoft replica of the SIG MPX, constructed from lightweight and durable nylon polymer. This electric airsoft gun features a modified version 2 gearbox with a quick-change spring system, allowing for easy adjustment between indoor and outdoor play.
After listening to user feedback, Olight released two rail mount adapters for their first optic offering, the Osight. The first one is the RMA-OSP157 which is a also a riser so it can be used to work with magnifiers. The other one is the RMA-OSP159 which is the standard mount for Picatinny rails.
Destockage Games offers guidance on selecting airsoft accessories to enhance gameplay. Overwhelmed by options like red dots, scopes, handles, and lamps? The website provides tips and tricks for customizing airsoft replicas. It explores the benefits of accessorizing, explaining how to choose sights, grips, illumination systems, barrel extensions, and straps.
Patrol Base show accessories that can help you in setting up your tactical helmet for airsoft use... "In this video, Stu will build a helmet setup with some of the products that are currently available on our website. Don’t get caught out without the right headgear. Between a 400 FPS bullet to the forehead, to an unfortunate outside skirmish fall, the only thing worse than getting knocked out the game is having the bruise to prove it."
Some new items from Dytac for fans of both Noveske Rifleworks and the Tokyo Marui MWS Gas Blowback series as they have released the Noveske A2 MWS Receiver. As for the accessories they got a QD Style M4 Lower Receiver Endplate and dust covers M4 Gas Blowbacks.
"Hi all!
Summer is here finally and all I can think of on top of sharing our newest products with you is go to the beach to enjoy the sunshine and cold beers. Okay let’s see what we have!
NOV-CK04-BK: Noveske A2 Receiver and Handguard Kit Set for TM MWS Rifle, EMG Licensed by Noveske
Made specially for beginners the Airsoft Station shows how to accessorise airsoft guns. This means external accessories designed to make handling the airsoft gun better as well as better aiming with optics... "Callsign Nobody goes over accessory options and how to choose what's best for your platform."
Tacticoon Armament presents what they say to be the most important accessories for their primary... "These are the 3 most crucial accessories to put on your rifle. The most Bang for your buck if you will. All items seen In the video can be found here at Tacticon.
Regardless of what brand/company/style you choose, make sure that your rifle has these 3 things."
If you are thinking of getting a 3D Printer to print airsoft accessories and parts in case they are not available in the market or you want to innovate, watch this video from Epic Builds before proceeding... "What are your favorite things to 3D print for airsoft? Should I make more of these videos about 3D printing?"
Laylax Boss, Koji No. 63, got some tips on to mount weapons accessories on your airsoft gun... "Dot sight with booster, foregrip, flashlight. You'll want to attach various parts to a long air gun! But when you actually try to attach various parts, you don't know where to attach it ?! So, for beginners who started Sabage, the attachment of the air gun Introducing the mounting position and the way of thinking!"
After having tasted playing with their first airsoft guns and liking it, beginners will begin the next step of checking accessories that they can mount on them. Probably, they wil be googling or asking forums and groups or tips. Or still, they may want to watch this video from the Airsoft Headquarters.