OptimusPrime LLC is a company that services gaming communities and gaming players with a primary focus on "war" or "battle" simulations. These simulations range from airsoft events to PC gaming. Its primary business is hosting and producing high quality airsoft events and is now presenting Kitty Paws 72 (KP:72). This game focuses on realistic goals and game play to heighten the simulation experience.  This will be held on the 1st until the 2nd of September, 2007 in Vaughn, Washington, USA.'s KP:72



Welcome to KP:72 which will be a prequel to KP:24. In the months before the North Korean nuclear strike on the US, they had to obtain several Nuclear missiles for their strikes on the UK and Taiwan. Most important were 6 ICBMs under the control of Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists. While North Korea's secret nuclear program had created several missiles capable of striking the United State's West coast, they did not have the range to strike the UK.

In June 2009, the OUN, a Ukrainian militant group sent a contact (Andrei Kozyar) to North Korea to negotiate a price for access codes to several ICBMs under their control. He was captured while trying to cross the border between China and North Korea and is being detained in a Chinese military prison. North Korea has disavowed all knowledge of the contact and currently Kozyar is awaiting execution for espionage.

Kozyar has strong ties with former Soviet secret agencies which is why his trial and execution date has been delayed for so long. Political measures have so far been un-helpful and Ukrainian diplomats have asked for US support in recovering Kozyar to stand trial for several terrorist attacks in Eastern and Western Europe over the last 10 years.

The US State department has publicly stated that they will not help the Ukrainians but have been in secret negotiations with the group. Currently there are negotiations to send a black ops team to recover Kozyar in exchange for the decommissioning of several Nuclear missiles under Ukrainian control. The US knows that Kozyar was traveling to North Korea but they were not able to determine his goals.

In 1929, a contingent of World War I western Ukrainian army veterans met in Vienna and established the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists. Its principal mission: Ukraine's ethno-national resurrection. Since the fall of the Soviet empire, the OUN has been recruiting former Soviet agents and military leaders with Ukrainian heritage. They are linked with several terrorist activities through out Europe over the last 10 years. Their have had major influence in the Ukraine over the last 20 years through secret channels and are linked to Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych mysterious election in 2004.

North Koreans are working with the OUN in order to recover Kozyar but because of their ties with China, they will not be able to send forces directly against Chinese troops but they are allowing Russian forces to stage near the Chinese/North Korean border for a raid on the prison camp schedule for early September.

Chinese forces are on high alert and have intelligence that North Korean is planning some kind of attack but the scope and scale is not evident. While they support North Korea, they are not backing any US attack as US/China ties are becoming stronger in the new millennium. Any act of aggression from the North Koreans against China will be taken as an act of war and will threaten financial and military support of North Korea.

US Special Forces are on high alert and have been staging in South Korea awaiting orders to enter North Korea near the border with China with the intention of recovering Kozyar for the Ukrainian government.



  • US FORCES: Multicam/ACU
  • CHINESE FORCES: Woodland

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