
Don't Be A Sitting Duck In The DUCKSIDE Survival Game



Move over Rust and DayZ, there's a new player in the persistent-world survival game genre, and it's quacktastic! DUCKSIDE, by tinyBuild Riga, takes the core tenets of the survival game we know and love and injects a healthy dose of the unexpected: you play as a duck.

This seemingly absurd premise holds surprising potential, and over 150,000 players flocked (pun intended) to the game's earlier beta. DUCKSIDE's latest open beta, which launched on June 6th, 2024, brings a wave of new content for players to explore, including new structures to raid, explosive ammo, and more.

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While the core gameplay loop of gathering resources, crafting tools and shelter, and defending yourself from threats feels familiar to seasoned survivalists, DUCKSIDE throws a creative curveball with its movement system. You can fly! It's simple and intuitive, taking to the skies with a press of the spacebar. Soaring through the air is an absolute joy, offering a refreshing change of pace from the grounded exploration of most survival games.

However, the game isn't without its flaws. The aiming mechanics, both in combat and resource gathering, need some refinement. Hitting your target can feel imprecise at times. These are issues that can be ironed out with further development, but for now, they can be a bit frustrating.

One intriguing feature is the server-wide shrine objective. Players can initiate a sacrifice using feathers collected from other ducks or hunters' licenses obtained from human enemies. This triggers a high-risk, high-reward scenario with a parachute airdrop filled with valuable supplies.

DUCKSIDE is best experienced with a feathered flock by your side. Working together towards shared goals, be it resource gathering or base raiding, is a recipe for emergent gameplay and hilarious mishaps.

The new beta content adds some welcome depth. Players can now take on heavily guarded human-controlled structures like ship ports and missile silos for valuable loot. New base fortifications allow for more creative and secure duck dwellings. There are even rumors of mysterious stone duck obelisks that grant powerful advantages to worthy warriors.

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For those who prefer a more peaceful co-existence, PvE servers offer a chance to dismantle human control over the archipelago without any duck-on-duck violence.

Overall, DUCKSIDE is a delightful take on the survival genre. The ability to fly adds a unique dimension to gameplay, and the quirky premise is surprisingly endearing. With some polish to the aiming mechanics and continued content updates, DUCKSIDE has the potential to take flight and become a major player in the survival game scene.

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